By weaving compelling photographs and first-person narrative with an incisive introduction to America’s criminal justice system, this book provides a look at how the policies and prejudices of the past and present are bankrupting our nation.

$30.00 + shipping = 288-page, full color, 8″x10″ soft-cover book   |||   Proceeds from the book help keep WAAC going.


Buy a WAAC book today for yourself, your classroom, your book club, or your local policymaker. Dog-ear a story that reminds you of a “time when,” and send it along.

“We Are All Criminal is one of those works that can help change the national conversation on criminal justice reform. The corollary to we are all criminal is that we are all human. The greatest obstacle to significant criminal justice reform is insufficient empathy for those in our prisons and jails and otherwise impacted by the carceral state. Emily Baxter’s We Are All Criminals helps us appreciate that we have linked fates and common futures.” — James Williams, former public defender, founding member and board member of the North Carolina Commission on Racial and Ethnic Disparities

“It’s true: we all are criminals. Most of us just have not been caught; some of us got a break and avoided conviction if we were. This book invites you to ask who gets arrested and convicted and why—and to make yourself less comfortable because of the answers.” Dean A. Strang, former defense lawyer for Steven Avery, seen in Making a Murderer

“This book shifts and reframes concepts of criminality while underscoring the existence of our humanity. It’s a tool to edify and encourage discourse about privilege, punishment, society, and the urgency for everyone to take this personally. Simply: this is essential reading.” — Jason Sole, author, From Prison to Ph.D

“Through art and advocacy, this groundbreaking work highlights the difficulty people with criminal records face in moving on from past mistakes—while illustrating that for those without a record, life’s opportunities can be endless. The line that divides the two (caught/accused and uncaught/unaccused) is not random. This book is a demand for smarter, more equitable, reasonable, and merciful criminal justice system—and nation.”  —Ebony Ruhland, University of Cincinnati

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